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This is a full-colour, comprehensive book on the Northern Territory’s threatened species edited by John Woinarski, Chris Pavey, Ralee Kerrigan, Ian Cowie and Simon Ward.Its 284 pages are largely devoted to one- or two-page descriptions of each of the 72 plants, 23 invertebrates, 10 fish, 17 reptiles, 22 birds, 30 mammals and one frog species that are listed as threatened in the Northern Territory. These descriptions give the reader an image of the species, a distribution map, a description of the species and its ecology, an explanation of how and why it is threatened and a summary of the conservation objectives and management needed.

Lost from our Landscape

  • Edited by John Woinarski, Chris Pavey, Ralee Kerrigan, Ian Cowie and Simon Ward (2007) ISBN 9781920772468 (pbk.) This is a full-colour, comprehensive book on the Northern Territory’s threatened species. Its 284 pages are largely devoted to one- or two-page descriptions of each of the 72 plants, 23 invertebrates, 10 fish, 17 reptiles, 22 birds, 30 mammals and one frog species that are listed as threatened in the Northern Territory. These descriptions give the reader an image of the species, a distribution map, a description of the species and its ecology, an explanation of how and why it is threatened and a summary of the conservation objectives and management needed. For each species the Northern Territory conservation status is listed together with the national status under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act. The aim here is to raise awareness about these species and the processes that threaten them and to help efforts to maintain them. Lost from our Landscape is published by the Northern Territory Department of Natural Resources, Environment and The Arts and is available from the NT Museum and Art Gallery and from most bookshops in the NT.
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