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Showcasing the very best contemporary art from around the country, from emerging and established artists.

The Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards (Telstra NATSIAA) exhibition is the longest running and most prestigious Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Award.


Experience artworks that reflect the strength of culture, responses to current affairs and deep connections to Country.
Join us in celebrating the 41st year of the Telstra NATSIAA, a career-changing event for many artists.

Australia's longest running and most prestigious Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards

Artists share in a total of $190,000 with the impressive prize money for the major Telstra Art Award sitting at $100,000 and each of the categories awarding $15,000.


2024 Telstra Art Award Winner


Photo: Charlie Bliss

Noli Rictor

Pitjantjatjara language

Tjuntjuntjara, WA

Kamanti 2023

Noli Rictor, Kamanti 2023, Courtesy of the artist and Spinifex Arts Project. Image Georgin

Noli Rictor, a Pitjantjatjara man and artist from Tjuntjuntjara in Western Australia, is the winner of the prestigious 2024 Telstra Art Award valued at $100,000 for his synthetic polymer paint on linen piece titled Kamanti.


This remarkable painting depicts the significant site of Kamanti, situated in the north of traditional Spinifex Lands. This site is home to the Wati Kutjara Tjukurpa (Two Men Creation Line), an epic narrative that follows the journey of a father and son water serpent across the Spinifex Lands on ceremonial business.

Noli's painting vividly illustrates the Country he was born into, reflecting the deep spiritual and cultural heritage that has shaped his life. The arid but sacred environment of Kamanti, the birthplace of the Creation Beings, is brought to life through Noli's masterful use of colour and form, capturing the enduring power and presence of the ancestral figures who sculpted the landscape as they moved through it.

Category Winners

2024 Telstra NATSIAA

Category Winners

Telstra General Painting Award
Lydia Balbal

Keeping up with the Balbals 2023

Mangala language
lives Bidyadanga/Broome, WA
Telstra Bark Painting Award
Wurrandan Marawili

Rumbal, the body/the truth 2023

Yolŋu Matha language
lives Yirrkala, NT
Telstra Work on Paper Award
Shannon Brett

An Australian Landscape 2024

Wakka Wakka, Butchulla and Gooreng Gooreng languages
lives Brisbane, QLD
Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3D Award (Sponsored by Telstra)
Obed Namirrkki

Kunkurra 2024

Kuninjku language
lives Maningrida, NT
Telstra Multimedia Award
Natalie Davey

River report 2024

Walmajarri and Bunuba languages
lives Fitzroy Crossing, WA
Telstra Emerging Artist Award
Josina Pumani

Maralinga 2024

Pitjantjatjara language
lives Adelaide, SA

Photos: Georgina Campbell and Charlie Bliss

Highly Commended

Telstra General Painting Award
Bugai Whyoulter’s Kartarru (Blue Hills Station, Canning Stock Route Well 24) 2023
Telstra General Painting Award
Nancy Long Nungarrayi and Rene Long Nungarrai’s Pereltye 2024
Telstra Bark Painting Award
Milminyina Dhamarrandji’s Dhambadiny – Death Adder 2023
Telstra Multimedia Award
Dhukumul Wanambi’s Gurka’wuy 2024
Telstra Emerging Artist Award
Julieanne Gitjpulu Malibirr’s Gunga Djama (pandanus work) 2023

2024 Telstra NATSIAA Finalists​

NSW • Delma Praljak-Trindall Kamilaroi language • Stacey Louise Hampton Gamilaraay language • Thea Anamara Perkins Arrernte and Kalkadoon languages NT • Aileen Napaljarri Long Warlpiri language • Alfonso Puautjimi Tiwi language • Artists of Ampilatwatja Alyawarre and Kaytetye languages • Billy Tjampitjinpa Kenda Luritja and Pitjantjatjara languages • Bobby West Tjupurrula Pintupi and Luritja languages • Bulthirrirri Wunuŋmurra Yolŋu Matha language • Burŋanydji Gaykamaŋu Yolŋu Matha language • Carol Puruntatameri Tiwi language • Charles Jangala Inkamala Arrernte and Western Arrernte languages • Conrad Tipungwuti Kamilowra Tiwi language • Dhukumul Waṉambi Dhuwal language • Gaypalani Waṉambi Yolŋu Matha language • Grace Kemarre Robinya Anmatyerr and West Arrernte languages • Helen Ganalmirriwuy Garrawurra Dhuwala language • Joe Dhamanydji Gupapuyngu and Dhuwal languages • Joe Guymala Kunwinjku language • Johnathon World Peace Bush Tiwi language • Julieanne Gitjpulu Malibirr Ganalbingu language • Louisa Kngwarray Long Alyawarr and Anmatyerr languages • Lucy Yarawanga Gurrgoni language • Marcus 'Double O' Camphoo Kemarre Kaytetye and Alyawarr languages • Milminyina Dhamarrandji Yolŋu Matha language • Motorbike Paddy Ngal Anmatyerr language • Nancy Long Nungarrayi and Rene Long Nungarrayi Kaytetye and Warlpiri languages • Obed Namirrkki Kuninjku language • Russell Ngadiyali Wanapuyngu Wagilak language • Sally M Nangala Mulda Luritja, Arrernte and Pitjantjatjara languages • Steven Jupurrurla Nelson Warlpiri language • Wally Wilfred Wagilak language • Wayilkpa Maymuru Yolŋu Matha language • Wurrandan Marawili Yolŋu Matha language QLD • Bernard Lee Singleton Umpila and Djabugay/Yirrgay languages • Brian Robinson Kala Lagaw Ya and Wuthathi languages • Clare Jaque Vasquez Gomeroi and Kamilaroi languages • David Bosun Kala Lagaw Ya language • Dylan Sarra Gooreng Gooreng and Taribelang languages • Garry Namponan Wik-Alkan and Wik-Mungkan languages • Janet Fieldhouse Kalaw Lagaw Ya and Meriam Mir languages • Janet Koongotema Wik-Mungkan language • Karen Klimm-Richardson Kuku Yulanji and Kokolamalama languages • Shannon Brett Wakka Wakka, Butchulla and Gooreng Gooreng languages SA • Betty Campbell Pitjantjatjara language • Betty Muffler Pitjantjatjara language • Donna Coulthard Adnyamathanha and Kuyani languages • Frank Young Pitjantjatjara language • George Cooley Yankunytjatjara language • Iluwanti Ken Pitjantjatjara language • Josina Pumani Pitjantjatjara language • LeShaye Swan Arrernte and Warlpiri languages • Mardawi Lakun (Sister Weavers) Ngarrindjeri language • Muna Kulyuru Pitjantjatjara language • Rene Sundown Yankunytjatjara language TAS • Dean Greeno Palawa kani language • Louise Daniels Palawa language WA • Allery Sandy Yindjibarndi language • Brett Nannup Noongar language • Bugai Whyoulter Kartujarra language • Doreen Chapman Manyjilyjarra language • Helicopter (Joe Tjungurrayi) Kukatja and Manyjilyjarra languages • Lydia Balbal Mangala language • Madeline Purdie Gija language • Nagula Jarndu Artists Jabirr-Jabirr, Kija/Gooniyandi, Mayala, Noongar, Noongar/Torres Strait Islander, Walmajarri, Yawuru, Yawuru-Bardi Jawi, Yawuru/Karajarri languages • Melissa Sandy Yindjibarndi language • Mervyn Street Gooniyandi language • Natalie Davey Walmajarri and Bunuba languages • Noli Rictor Pitjantjatjara language • Tyrown Waigana Wandandi, Noongar and Ait Koedal languages VIC • Clinton Naina Meriam Mir and Ku Ku languages • Lisa Waup Gunditjmara language

2024 Telstra NATSIAA Virtual Gallery


2024 Judges


 Photo: Mark Sherwood 

Keith Munro, Putuparri Tom Lawford and Katina Davidson 

"Congratulations to the 2024 Telstra NATSIAA finalists. They have all collectively continued to honour the legacy of culture and artistic expression from our unique places and spaces. We were entrusted with a task – to deeply understand each work, the artist and their intentions and then decide on a winner. There were outstanding works across all categories, making the role of the judge very difficult.

“We were greatly impressed by the calibre of work presented by all entrants and were excited to learn of artists who we weren’t familiar with. The diversity in artistic materials and the artist’s interpretation of their stories moved and sometimes surprised us. Several artworks discussed timely themes which have recently received national attention and the judges commend each artist for using their practice to give attention to important stories at this prestigious event. The diversity of cultural, social, political and ceremonial stories across all media should be celebrated."

Virtual Gallery

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Museum and Art Gallery
of the Northern Territory

GPO Box 4646,
Darwin NT 0801

+61 8 8999 8264
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